Monday, December 15, 2008

White (almost) Christmas!

Could anything be more exciting for this L.A. girl?!
Last night at like 12:30...

This morning, schools were cancelled cuz there was like 3 INCHES OF SNOW OUTSIDE!!! But, I went to work anyways... (that's our mini-tree in the background)

Me walking to work...
It was just magical! It's supposed to be below freezing temperatures all this week, but
Hopefully we will see you soon!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I hope you saw Justin Timberlake on SNL a couple weekends ago...
I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard at the t.v.

Go to YouTube and search "Justin Timberlake SNL Single Ladies"

Oh, and have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

twenty seven...

So, far 27 is a great year for me. My husband gave me a wonderful birthday. First, on Wed. night, we had yummy food at PF Changs. He got me strawberry cheese-birthday-cake... and even marzipan!

Then, birthday weekend, he gave me the best surprise! He took me to the CUTEST cottage right on the McKenzie river. It was amazing!

We also went on a beautiful hike and saw gorgeous waterfalls! I love surprises and I love waterfalls! Yay for living in Oregon!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

pink, pirate & pumpkins...

Halloween was fun for us here in Eugene. We got some cheap costume pieces from W*&%#@!^, and my friend Sara from work came over and hung out (our first dinner guest... yay!)

That morning at work, we had a couple of "harvest" parties with the kids and it ended up being a lil stressfull, so it was great to have a fun night!

We ate... carved pumpkins... got some Prince Puckler Homemade Ice Cream (yummy!)... drove around to mock all the costumed college students roaming the streets (comedy!)... and even semi- stayed awake to watch "Run, Fat boy, Run". 'Twas a great time had by all.

yes, that's right... my pumpkin has a flamingo on it.

la la land...

My trip to L.A. was awesome and a much needed dose of the people I love. Sorry to those who have been waiting for this post... but here are some pics for ya!
The fam...
It was great seeing the Ennis family... I really miss those munchkins! (Lu is walking now!!!)

Amy Grant concert was SOOO amazing... I just love her!
Seeing it with my Mommy and my Auntie made it that much better!

(sorry, the videos wouldn't work on here)

I had a dream that she invited me to her house in Tennessee... hey, it could happen!

fall leaves fall...

I have never seen such a beautiful autumn...

... and that's the least of it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

click my heels...

I'm coming to L.A. for the weekend! It's a short trip... specifically to see Amy Grant with my mom and aunt (SOOO excited!). But, we are having a big' ol family/friends dinner at C&O on Saturday night. I want to see you... so, if you want to see me, come to dinner! Or, at least gimme a call ;)